Make a difference to the lives of street children in Uganda by donating toward the construction of a Transitional Rehabilitation Center in Karamoja.

The need for a locally based transit Center for children was identified by the Napak District Probation Office and Local government and other civil society organizations including Dwelling Places. One of the local residents donated 20 acres of land to Dwelling Places that was witnessed and commissioned by the Napak Local District Authority for the construction of a multi-functional transit center.

Rescuing Karamojong Children from the streets of Kampala and intercepting some as they were migrating or being trafficked from the region has been a daunting exercise particularly because of their diverse needs, compared to other rescued children from other regions. The main reason being the language barrier and cultural diversity. Over the years these factors have made their rescue and rehabilitation process rather traumatic, long and sometimes ineffective, as they are not able to express themselves clearly. This process is quite frustrating for their rescuers as they are unable to effectively communicate with them, making their detention experience at the rehabilitation center in Kampala rather long, expensive and exasperating for both parties.

The alternative for the placement of rescued children has been the Koblin center and recently Lodoi Primary School. Each of these facilities already have ongoing school activities that are always destabilized whenever repatriations are made.

Further still, intercepted children from Napak are kept in police cells for the entire period required to collect and confirm their details, trace for their families and reintegrate them. This is generally not a safe place for children as they are exposed to criminals of all kinds, and are scared since they are surrounded by uniformed police officers, which in the end is a violation of their fundamental rights.